Winter Eclectic Competitions 2017/2018
Entry Fee – £2

Members who have paid their entry feeclick here

  • Par 3 Club members are invited to enter the Winter Eclectic Competitions. These will be based on the weekly competitions that are being held throughout the winter months (Oct’17 – Mar’18).
  • There are 3 eclectic categories. Gross, Nett & Stableford.
  • In an eclectic competition your best score on each hole is taken from any of the 6 designated competitions during the winter period.
  • Medal competitions (1 per month) = Gross & Nett eclectics
  • Stableford competitions (1 per month) = Stableford eclectic


The Gross eclectic favours low handicap players.

The Nett & Stableford eclectics favour mid to high handicap players.

N.B. It is your final handicap AFTER the last competition that is used for the final places.


  • The £2 entry fee will cover all 3 eclectic categories.
  • Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 winners in each category.
  • Please pay your entry fee by the end of October 2017.
  • Entry fees to be paid via the competition box. A list of those that have paid will be posted on the noticeboard and website.
  • The first update will be posted in November 2017 and thereafter updates will be posted each month following the Stableford & Medal competitions.