Competition Purse
(Optional service)
Summary Details
Instead of paying your £1 competition fee each week into the Competition Box you now have an alternative choice … pay a lump sum (£5, £10 or £20 either via the Competition Box or by Bank Transfer) and then each time you play the £1 competition fee will be deducted from your Competition Purse. You can check the balance of your Competition Purse on Master Scoreboard, under “My Golf”.
N.B. Bank Transfers need to be manually checked and processed so may take a few days to show on Master Scoreboard.
Full Details
The competition fees for the weekly competitions are normally paid by putting your £1 competition fee in an envelope with your name on it and then depositing the envelope into the Competition Box in the Pro Shop. Par 3 Club members now have an alternative optional method of paying their competition fee (for the weekly competitions only) through the use of a Competition Purse.
The Competition Purse is an extra feature available within the software that we use to manage handicaps and to process competition scores.
Par 3 Club members may now pay a lump sum (£5, £10 or £20) which will be credited to their individual Competition Purse. Each week when you play in a competition the competition fee (£1) will be deducted from your Competition Purse at the time of entering your scores (through the “Sign In” process) for the competition. If you don’t play you will not be charged.
The balance of your Competition Purse can be viewed on Master Scoreboard under “My Golf”. You will need to check this regularly enough so that you know when to top up your Competition Purse. Currently it is possible to “overdraw” your Competition Purse by a small amount, but this is just to allow some flexibility whilst we are testing the system.
Lump sum payments (£5, £10 or £20) can be made in one of two ways:-
- The COMPETITION BOX on a Tuesday
Include your Name and “Competition Purse” on the envelope. - BANK TRANSFER to the Par 3 Club Lloyds bank account
(Par 3 Club – SORT CODE 30-98-97 : A/C no: 62138062)
include “CP” and your name as the reference. e.g. “CP R HONE”
In order for this system to work members will now need to “Sign In” to a competition before they can enter their scores online. You will see the “Sign In” option in the “Scores Entry” section on Master Scoreboard. If you try to enter your scores before signing in you will be prompted to sign in first.
Not all members enter their scores online, because for some this is rather challenging, so their scores are entered by the committee. We will continue to do this and those members may still make use of the Competition Purse facility if they wish.
Online scores can only be entered for Singles Competitions. For Team games and Pairs games the committee will continue to enter all the scores manually, including the “Sign In” part which triggers the deduction of competition fees.
Par 3 Club Committee
March 2022