Winter Eclectic Competitions 2018/2019

Free entry – All members are automatically signed up to the Eclectics

Competition Completed

Completed (6 rounds) Completed (6 rounds)
Gross Nett Stableford
Gross Gross H’cap Nett Points
1 Beresford E Bell 46 1 Mike Alexander 49 13 36 1 Richard Attenborough 55
2 Richard Hone 46 2 Sue Baranek 62 25 37 2 Amos Christ 55
3 Dave Durrant 48 3 John McWhirter 53 16 37 3 Norman Sullivan 54
4 John Phillips 49 4 Frank Shaw 49 12 37 4 Ed Sands 54
5 Mike Alexander 49 5 John Phillips 49 10 39 5 Ian Smith 54
6 Frank Shaw 49 6 Peter Brookes 52 13 39 6 Sue Baranek 53
7 Stuart Murry 50 7 Dave Durrant 48 9 39 7 Robert Burton 52
8 David Foster 51 8 Ralph Bedrock 54 15 39 8 Mike Alexander 52
9 Dave Wragg 51 9 John Greenwood 52 12 40 9 Peter Starling 52
10 Richard Taylor 51 10 Ed Sands 57 17 40 10 John Bailey 51

Full results listings for 2018 – 2019 Winter Eclectics :-

Winter Eclectic 1819 – Stableford (most stableford points)

Winter Eclectic 1819 – Gross (no handicap allowance)

Winter Eclectic 1819 – Nett (based on latest handicap)

Par 3 Club members who enter any of the designated Winter Eclectics competitions are automatically entered into the Winter Eclectics, free of charge. These are based on the specified weekly competitions (see below) that are held throughout the winter months (Oct’18 – Mar’19).

  • There are 3 eclectic categories. Gross, Nett & Stableford.
  • In an eclectic competition your best score on each hole is taken from any of the 6 designated competitions during the winter period.

N.B. Standard countback rules apply when scores are tied.

  • Strokeplay competitions (1 per month) = Gross & Nett eclectics
  • Stableford competitions (1 per month) = Stableford eclectic

The Gross eclectic favours low handicap players.

The Nett & Stableford eclectics favour mid to high handicap players.

N.B. It is your final handicap AFTER the last competition that is used for the final places.

  • Free entry to all 3 eclectic categories is covered by your membership fee.
  • This is an Honours Board competition.
  • Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 winners in each category.

Full results listings for 2017 – 2018 Winter Eclectics :-

Winter Eclectic 1718 – Stableford (most stableford points)

Winter Eclectic 1718 – Gross (no handicap allowance)

Winter Eclectic 1718 – Nett (based on latest handicap)

Full results listings for 2016 – 2017 Winter Eclectics :-

Winter Eclectic 1617 – Stableford (most stableford points)

Winter Eclectic 1617 – Gross (no handicap allowance)

Winter Eclectic 1617 – Nett (based on latest handicap)

Full results listings for 2015 – 2016 Winter Eclectics :-

Winter Eclectic 1516 – Stableford (most stableford points)

Winter Eclectic 1516 – Gross (no handicap allowance)

Winter Eclectic 1516 – Nett (based on latest handicap)

Full results listings for 2014 – 2015 Winter Eclectics :-

Winter Eclectic 1415 – Stableford (most stableford points)

Winter Eclectic 1415 – Gross (no handicap allowance)

Winter Eclectic 1415 – Nett (based on latest handicap)