Par 3 Club
Presentation Day 2021
14th December 2021

Club Championship
  • Men’s – John Smith
  • Ladies’ – Sue Baranek
Singles Matchplay
  • Winner – Kevin Beswick
Pairs Matchplay
  • Winners – Roy Goldsbrough & Oliver Seagrave
Winter Eclectics 2019/2020
  • Stableford    – Ed Sands
  • Nett – Peter Starling
  • Gross – Richard Hone

*** Congratulations to all this year’s trophy winners ***

Thank you to everyone for making this year’s Christmas Dinner & Presentation Day so much fun and such a special day to remember.

AND … our raffle raised £364 to kick start our charity fund for 2022.

A very big thank you to all those who assisted with planing, organising and running the event :-

Ron Coles (Trophies/Reception Desk), Irene Mitchell (Reception Desk), Terry Crofts (Music/Scorecards), Brian Stocks (Scorecards), Pat Linnington (Raffle), Sandra Tudor (Raffle), Jan Mee (Raffle), Paul Baranek (Photos) ….. and all those I have forgotten to mention!

Richard Hone

Presentation Day – Stableford Competition Winners

Nearest The Pins

6th: Ladies/Gents sponsored by
Paul Felstead
Trevor Hickman
14th: Ladies sponsored by
Maurice Tomlinson
Helen Whitehand
14th: Gents sponsored by
Graham Bowles
Frank Shaw
18th: Ladies sponsored by Richard Taylor & Trevor Holmes Cath Greenwood
18th: Gents sponsored by
Peter Littlewood & Jim Loyley
Dave Wragg

Singles Stableford Competition

Best Man  Trevor Hickman 43 pts

Best Lady  Helen Whitehand 38pts

Best Of The Rest

1st Place    David Dandie 40 pts

2nd Place   Richard Attenborough 40 pts

3rd Place    Terry Crofts 40 pts

4th Place    Peter Stevenson 38 pts

5th Place    Beresford Bell 38 pts