Pre-Booked Tee Slots – Trial
(April – September 2022)

At the Annual General Meeting held on 21st March 2022 a proposal was put forward for a trial of Pre-Booked tee slots for several early groups. This proposal has been driven by the acknowledged situation that the current online booking system may cause a lot of stress for many members due to the “fastest finger first” nature of booking online each week.

The proposal was passed with a narrow majority. The Committee has been tasked with planning and implementing the trial, and monitoring and evaluating its effectiveness.

The trial will be implemented in such a way so as to incorporate some gaps in the earlier slots which are thus available for adhoc bookings.

It is appreciated that some members will take the view that this proposal appears to be giving other members “special treatment”. The committee wishes to give its reassurance that all members are considered equal and that the evaluation of this trial will be based on its effectiveness in improving the booking process for all members.

In parallel to the running of this trial the committee will be exploring alternative ways to address the online booking issues. We would welcome any suggestions that members may like to pass on to us.

The trial will commence from Tuesday, 5th April 2022 and will run for the Summer Season (April – September). Before the end of the trial period the committee will publish an evaluation report and will invite members to respond. This may take the form of a special members meeting.

The allocation of pre-booked tee slots has been based on data from the 2021 Summer Season, with slots allocated in a similar order to the evidence presented by the data. As per the proposal it is only the “earlier times” that are included in the trial. This is where it is felt the major problems have been, and where the maximum benefit can be achieved.

The listing of the pre-booked tee slots will be published on the Par 3 Club website (click here), under the Competitions TAB. Those members included will be responsible for ensuring that they cancel their booking, as early as possible, for any competition that they will not be taking up. The committee will be monitoring this closely, as well as any failures to turn up when a place has been pre-booked.

Par 3 Club Committee
March 2022