Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
Tuesday, 13th September 2022
The EGM addressed one topic only
Pre-Bookings for the weekly competitions
Following a brief review presentation and discussion the 57 members present voted on the proposal to extend the Pre-Bookings Trial for the Winter Season.
FOR : 45 votes
AGAINST : 6 votes
ABSTAIN : 6 votes
Below is the notice that was posted prior to the meeting
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
Tuesday, 13th September 2022
Prompt start at 9:00am
Tea/Coffee & Biscuits available from 8:15am
The EGM will address one topic only
Pre-Bookings for the weekly competitions
At the AGM held in February 2022 we voted to run a trial of Pre-Bookings for the summer season (April-September). We will be giving feedback on the progress of the trial and considering proposals for managing bookings for the coming winter season (October-March).
The proposal for the pre-bookings trial was voted in by a narrow margin, indicating that this was not something that was widely accepted by our members at the time. Now that we have had the opportunity to see how it operates in practice perhaps some views may have changed.
A separate document will be published in advance of the EGM to give details of the trial review and to identify options for members to consider for the winter season.
Only members present at the EGM will
be eligible to vote on the proposed options.
The EGM is being held on a Tuesday at 9:00am (to 9:45am) and therefore should be convenient for all members that regularly play each week in the Par 3 Club competitions.
We will also be running an AGM style competition on the day (free entry) and only members that attend the EGM will be eligible to play in this competition (N.B. pre-bookings do not apply for this competition so all members must book in themselves). However, if you wish to attend the EGM but do not wish to play in the competition then just turn up for the EGM (i.e. you do not need to book into the competition). The same applies if all 80 competition places have been booked … you are still encouraged to attend the EGM.
Any members who would like to submit their comments for inclusion in the review document, so that other members can read them prior to the EGM, should send them via email to Richard Hone, Chairman chairman@par3club.co.uk or in writing, by no later than Tuesday, 30th August 2022. The committee reserves the right to edit and précis any comments submitted, and will endeavour to do so in a way that does not change the main points of the comments.