Winter Eclectics 2017 / 2018

£2 per person covers all 3 categories

Put entry fee in an envelope with your name & “Eclectic” written clearly.
Place envelope in the Par 3 Club Competition Box

*** The following members have paid their entry fee ***

Name Name
 1 Joe Adcock  37 Richard Hone
 2 Mike Alexander  38 Derek Housam
 3 Ray Allsebrook  39 Paul Jefferson
 4 Brian Ansell  40 Alan Kilburn
 5 Chris Archer  41 Pat Linnington
 6 Bill Aslin  42 Peter Littlewood
 7 Richard Attenborough  43 Jim Loyley
 8 John Bailey  44 Monica McDermott
 9 Paul Baranek  45 John McWhirter
 10 Sue Baranek  46 Janet Mee
 11 Ralph Bedrock  47 Irene Mitchell
 12 Beresford Bell  48 Brian Morris
 13 Brian Bell  49 Stuart Murry
 14 Tony Best  50 John Phillips
 15 Graham Bowles  51 Sardar Quereshi
 16 Jeff Caunt  52 Ed Sands
 17 John Chadwick  53 Gary Seagrave
 18 Mike Chapman  54 Frank Shaw
 19 Ron Coles  55 Simon Shaw
 20 May Cox – Brown  56 David Sheath
 21 Terry Crofts  57 Ian Smith
 22 David Dandie  58 John S Smith
 23 Ged Davison  59 Peter Smith
 24 Ian Douglas  60 Janet Spurr
 25 Peter Douglass  61 Peter Starling
 26 Kevin Else  62 Peter Stevenson
 27 Chris Glenn  63 Brian Stocks
 28 Roy Goldsborough  64 Norman Sullivan
 29 Derrick Goodman  65 Richard Taylor
 30 Keith Green  66 Sandra Tudor
 31 Ron Green  67 Linda Waldron
 32 John Greenwood  68 George Walsh
 33 Roger Harwood  69 Robert Wightman
 34 Jackie Hastings  70 Richard Wild
 35 Terry Henshaw  71 Dave Wragg
36 Trevor Holmes