Par 3 Club
Singles Stableford Front 9 NQ
Printed: 11 February 2020
Competition Result
Competition played on 11 February 2020 at Ramsdale Park GC Par 3.
Full Net Result
Overall Position Score (Strokes Rcd) Prizes Countback
1 Joe Adcock 19 pts (08) 6.00 Last Six Holes
2 John Chadwick 19 pts (03) 5.00
3 John S Smith 18 pts (08) 4.00
4 Richard Hone 17 pts (03) 3.50
5 Julian Daxner 16 pts (05) Last Six Holes
6 Nigel Hart 16 pts (04)
7 Peter Starling 15 pts (09) Last Six Holes
8 Terry Crofts 15 pts (05)
9 Garry Seagrave 14 pts (03) Last Six Holes
10 Peter Douglass 14 pts (07) Last Six Holes
11 Theresa Plimmer 14 pts (16)
12 Graham Bowles 13 pts (05) Last Three Holes
13 Peter Brookes 13 pts (07) Last Six Holes
14 Dave Dandie 13 pts (05) Last Six Holes
15 Beresford E Bell 13 pts (03)
16 Pat Linnington 12 pts (12)
17 Frank Shaw 11 pts (06) Last Six Holes
18 John Phillips 11 pts (06)
19 Doug Hamilton 10 pts (06) Last Six Holes
20 Tony Best 10 pts (07)
Number of Cards Processed = 20
Competition Format:
Singles Stableford competition played over 9 holes per round. Handicap allowance: 1/2 of ‘Full allowance’.
Competition Scratch Score (CSS):
This Competition was non-qualifying for handicap purposes.
Where a player is placed ahead of the following player in the results, based upon matching scorecards (‘Countback’), the ‘Countback’ column documents the winning section of their scorecard.
Changes to Handicaps:
There were no changes to any (HOME Club) Competitor’s Playing Handicap.