Par 3 Club
Singles Bogey
Printed: 22 January 2019
Competition Result
Competition played on 22 January 2019 at Ramsdale Park GC Par 3.
Full Net Result
*** Hole-In-One *** Ron Coles – 18th hole
Net DiffHcap ChgNew HcapOverall PositionScore (Strokes Rcd)PrizesCountback
-4-0.85.41Garry Seagrave4 up (06)10.00
-1-0.29.72Graham Bowles1 up (10)9.00Last Nine Holes
-1-0.312.53Keith Green1 up (13)8.00Last Nine Holes
-1-0.294Alan Kilburn1 up (09)6.50Last Three Holes
-1-0.421.45Peter Stevenson1 up (22)5.50Last Three Holes
-1-0.314.86Kevin Beswick1 up (15)5.00Last Nine Holes
-1-0.211.27Dave Dandie1 up (11)4.50
0017.78Peter StarlingAll Sq. (18)4.00Last Nine Holes
004.59Beresford E BellAll Sq. (05)3.50Last Six Holes
001410Mike ChapmanAll Sq. (14)2.50Last Nine Holes
0019.611Amos ChristAll Sq. (20)Last Six Holes
0012.212Chris ArcherAll Sq. (12)
1016.713Ed Sands1 down (17)Last Nine Holes
107.714Nigel Hart1 down (08)Last Six Holes
1013.615Kevin Else1 down (14)Last Nine Holes
101216John Greenwood1 down (12)
2015.317Geoff Hudson2 down (15)Last Nine Holes
2018.918Tony Warsalee2 down (19)Last Hole Front 9
209.819Terry Henshaw2 down (10)Last Three Holes
207.320David Foster2 down (07)Last Three Holes
2015.321John McWhirter2 down (15)Last Nine Holes
2013.222Ian Douglas2 down (13)Last Nine Holes
208.223Brian Stocks2 down (08)
3018.924Ian Smith3 down (19)Last Nine Holes
3015.325Richard Wild3 down (15)Last Nine Holes
301426John S Smith3 down (14)Last Six Holes
3015.427Ray Allsebrook3 down (15)Last Nine Holes
3012.628Peter Brookes3 down (13)Last Six Holes Front 9
3+0.110.729John Phillips3 down (11)Last Nine Holes
3+0.111.430Robert Wightman3 down (11)
4+0.118.131Joe Adcock4 down (18)Last Nine Holes
4+0.118.332Roger Harwood4 down (18)Last Six Holes
4+0.112.533John Bailey4 down (12)Last Six Holes
4+0.112.634Mike Alexander4 down (13)Last Nine Holes
4+0.117.735Jeff Caunt4 down (18)Last Hole
4+0.15.536Richard Hone4 down (05)Last Six Holes Front 9
4+0.18.237Dave Wragg4 down (08)Last Six Holes
4+0.111.638Frank Shaw4 down (12)Last Nine Holes
4+0.114.439Brian Morris4 down (14)Last Six Holes Front 9
4+0.115.540Lee Thompson4 down (15)Last Nine Holes
4+0.111.441Trevor Holmes4 down (11)Last Three Holes
4+0.114.642George Walsh4 down (15)Last Six Holes
4026.443Sue Baranek4 down (26)Last Three Holes
4+0.115.544Tony Best4 down (15)Last Nine Holes
4027.245Jackie Hastings4 down (27)
5+0.115.446Trevor Daykin5 down (15)Last Nine Holes
5+0.112.647Peter Douglass5 down (13)Last Six Holes
5+0.116.648Ron Coles5 down (17)Last Three Holes
5+0.116.449Jan Mee5 down (16)Last Hole
5+0.110.850Mark Shaw5 down (11)Last Nine Holes
5+0.15.451Stuart Murry5 down (05)
6+0.122.352Richard Attenborough6 down (22)Last Nine Holes
6+0.116.353Fred Frith6 down (16)Last Nine Holes
6+0.113.154Paul Baranek6 down (13)Last Nine Holes
6+0.1855Derrick Goodman6 down (08)Last Nine Holes
6+0.12456Geoff Hawkins6 down (24)
7+0.19.157Ged Davison7 down (09)Last Nine Holes
7+0.16.358Craig Campbell7 down (06)Last Three Holes
7+0.121.759Linda Waldron7 down (22)Last Nine Holes
7+0.116.260Barry Moxon7 down (16)Last Six Holes
7+0.114.961Ralph Bedrock7 down (15)
8+0.116.462Roy Goldsbrough8 down (16)Last Six Holes
8+0.119.863Irene Mitchell8 down (20)
9+0.118.664Derek Mellor9 down (19)
10+0.121.365Pat Linnington10 down (21)Last Nine Holes
10+0.121.166Sandra Tudor10 down (21)
11+0.114.867Simon Shaw11 down (15)
Number of Cards Processed = 67
Competition Format:
Singles Par/Bogey competition. Handicap allowance: Full allowance.
Competition Scratch Score (CSS):
TeesParSSSCompetition Scratch Score
Blue (Men)545454
Blue (Ladies)545454
Where a player is placed ahead of the following player in the results, based upon matching scorecards (‘Countback’), the ‘Countback’ column documents the winning section of their scorecard.
Changes to Handicaps:
Playing Handicaps for the following HOME Club members have changed:
Previous HandicapNew Handicap
John Bailey1213
Tony Best1516
Richard Hone56
Garry Seagrave65
Peter Stevenson2221
Lee Thompson1516