Par 3 Club
Singles Stableford
Printed: 2 November 2016
Result of the Competition played on 1 November 2016 at Ramsdale Park GC Par 3
Result (Nett Scores):
Nett Diff Hcap Chg New Hcap Overall Position Score (Stroke Rcd) Prizes CountBack
-7 -1.8 11.7 1 Kevin Else 42 pts (14) 10.00 22 13 7 2
-1 -0.4 26.3 2 Richard Attenborough 36 pts (27) 9.00 19 15 8 3
-1 -0.3 14.8 3 Brian Ansell 36 pts (15) 8.00 16 10 6 1
0 0 10.8 4 John Richards 35 pts (11) 7.00 19 14 8 2
0 0 21.9 5 Robert Burton 35 pts (22) 6.00 19 12 6 2
0 0 11.9 6 John Phillips 35 pts (12) 5.50 19 12 6 1
0 0 11.9 7 Terry Crofts 35 pts (12) 5.00 18 11 6 2
0 0 10.5 8 Frank Shaw 35 pts (11) 4.50 17 12 8 3
0 0 4.9 9 Beresford E Bell 35 pts (05) 4.00 17 10 6 1
0 0 15.4 10 Paul Baranek 35 pts (15) 3.00 16 12 6 1
0 0 6.7 11 Richard Taylor 35 pts (07) 16 10 5 2
0 0 18.5 12 Peter Starling 35 pts (19) 15 9 5 2
1 0 19.6 13 Derek Mellor 34 pts (20) 18 11 6 2
1 0 24.9 14 Chris West 34 pts (25) 18 11 5 1
1 0 7.1 15 Stuart Murry 34 pts (07) 17 13 6 2
1 0 21.7 16 Sandra Tudor 34 pts (22) 17 12 6 2
1 0 19.2 17 Joe Adcock 34 pts (19) 16 13 7 2
1 0 8.1 18 Dave Dandie 34 pts (08) 16 12 8 2
2 0 20.1 19 Keith Green 33 pts (20) 18 10 6 1
2 0 16.7 20 Trevor Daykin 33 pts (17) 17 11 6 2
2 0 25.3 21 May Cox-Brown 33 pts (25) 15 8 4 2
2 0 13.7 22 Mike Alexander 33 pts (14) 12 8 3 0
3 +0.1 11.2 23 John Greenwood 32 pts (11) 16 11 6 2
3 0 24.9 23 Pat Linnington 32 pts (25) 16 11 6 2
3 0 14 25 John Bolesworth 32 pts (14) 16 10 5 1
4 +0.1 12.5 26 Trevor Holmes 31 pts (12) 16 10 4 2
4 +0.1 17.1 27 Roger Harwood 31 pts (17) 14 9 6 2
4 +0.1 15.1 28 John McWhirter 31 pts (15) 14 6 4 1
5 +0.1 14.2 29 David Sheath 30 pts (14) 16 9 4 1
5 +0.1 15.5 30 John Bailey 30 pts (15) 14 10 5 1
5 +0.1 10.1 31 Graham Bowles 30 pts (10) 14 9 6 1
5 +0.1 15.9 32 Derrick Goodman 30 pts (16) 13 9 5 2
5 +0.1 11.9 33 Tony Best 30 pts (12) 13 8 5 2
6 +0.1 15.5 34 Gordon Darrington 29 pts (15) 16 11 5 1
6 +0.1 5.8 35 Richard Hone 29 pts (06) 15 10 6 2
6 +0.1 12.6 36 John S Smith 29 pts (13) 14 10 6 2
6 +0.1 9.1 37 Ged Davison 29 pts (09) 13 6 2 0
7 +0.1 11.8 38 Jim Loyley 28 pts (12) 18 11 6 1
7 +0.1 24.7 39 Ian Smith 28 pts (25) 17 11 4 0
7 +0.1 12.7 40 Chris Archer 28 pts (13) 17 10 5 1
7 +0.1 14.1 41 Peter Littlewood 28 pts (14) 16 9 4 0
7 +0.1 17.6 42 Ed Sands 28 pts (18) 15 9 4 1
7 +0.1 19 43 Dan Daniels 28 pts (19) 14 9 5 1
7 +0.1 10.7 44 Brian Stocks 28 pts (11) 13 8 4 1
7 +0.1 10.1 45 Derek Housam 28 pts (10) 13 7 4 0
8 +0.1 14.7 46 Brian Morris 27 pts (15) 14 6 1 1
8 +0.1 11.7 47 Ron Green 27 pts (12) 12 6 2 2
8 +0.1 14 48 Ralph Bedrock 27 pts (14) 11 8 6 2
9 +0.1 22.6 49 Norman Sullivan 26 pts (23) 16 10 6 2
9 +0.1 5.8 50 Paul Jefferson 26 pts (06) 15 11 5 2
9 +0.1 21.7 51 Monica McDermott 26 pts (22) 14 10 5 2
9 +0.1 15.9 52 Jeff Caunt 26 pts (16) 13 7 4 1
9 +0.1 21 53 Jim Dickens 26 pts (21) 12 8 7 3
9 +0.1 17.6 54 Alan Bradbury 26 pts (18) 12 8 3 0
9 +0.1 6 55 John Chadwick 26 pts (06) 11 6 3 0
10 +0.1 6.4 56 Garry Seagrave 25 pts (06) 12 7 4 1
10 +0.1 18.2 57 Roy Goldsbrough 25 pts (18) 12 6 4 0
10 +0.1 25.1 58 Jackie Hastings 25 pts (25) 10 7 3 1
11 +0.1 21.5 59 Peter Stevenson 24 pts (21) 9 6 4 2
12 +0.1 19 60 Tony Warsalee 23 pts (19) 12 8 6 3
12 +0.1 21.9 61 Linda Waldron 23 pts (22) 11 10 5 3
12 +0.1 18.9 62 George Walsh 23 pts (19) 11 9 2 1
12 +0.1 13.4 63 Ron Coles 23 pts (13) 8 5 3 0
13 +0.1 6.7 64 Dave Wragg 22 pts (07) 9 5 2 0
15 +0.1 20.8 65 Chris Glenn 20 pts (21) 8 6 2 0
18 +0.1 28.5 66 Janet Spurr 17 pts (28) 11 9 4 1
18 +0.1 14.1 67 Fred Frith 17 pts (14) 9 6 3 1
20 +0.1 17.4 68 Maurice Tomlinson 15 pts (17) 13 9 6 3
21 +0.1 11.1 69 Bill Aslin 14 pts (11) 0 0 0 0
7 +0.1 7 David Foster 28 pts (07) DQ: Rule 6-6(b)
Number of Cards Processed = 70
Competition Format:
Singles Stableford competition. Handicap allowance: Full allowance.
Competition Scratch Score (CSS):
Men: CSS = 55 (35 Stableford Points) [Par = 54, SSS = 54].
Ladies: CSS = 55 (35 Stableford Points) [Par = 54, SSS = 54].
Countback calculations:
Countback is points scored over last nine holes, then over last six holes, then over last three holes and finally last hole score only (where applicable).
Changes to Handicaps:
Playing Handicaps for the following HOME Club members have changed:
Previous Handicap New Handicap
Richard Attenborough 27 26
John Bailey 15 16
Gordon Darrington 15 16
Kevin Else 14 12
Trevor Holmes 12 13
Janet Spurr 28 29
Peter Stevenson 21 22