Bondhay Golf Club

Bondhay Ln, Whitwell Common, Worksop S80 3EF
Away Day

Thursday, 12th April 2018

Arrive at 9.30am, for a 10.30am SHOTGUN START
(followed by Sandwiches & Chips)

These are the players selected for the away day at Bondhay.

Richard Hone Ron Coles
Tony Best Jim Loyley
Richard Taylor Dan Daniels
Peter Littlewood Terry Crofts
Frank Shaw Ray Allsebrook
Beresford Bell Dave Wragg
Derek Mellor Brian Stocks
Peter Starling John Chadwick
John Phillips Sandra Tudor
Mick Chapman

Reserves will be contacted should vacancies arise

Please contact Richard Hone (by text preferably) if you are unable to play 0771 959 4576