Pre-Booked Tee Slots – 2023
The pre-bookings system will continue for 2023. This committee decision will be presented at the AGM on Tuesday, 28th February 2023. It was felt appropriate to announce this early so as to save many members raising concerns about the future of bookings.
At the Annual General Meeting on 21st March 2022 a proposal was put forward for a trial of Pre-Booked tee slots. That proposal was driven by the acknowledged situation that the online booking system can cause a lot of stress for many members due to the “fastest finger first” nature of booking online each week.
The proposal was passed and the trial conducted for the summer season. A further vote was taken at a special review meeting in September 2022. Members then voted overwhelmingly to extend the trial for the winter season (to the end of March 2023).
The committee have reviewed the effectiveness of the system and have concluded that there is no doubt that it has been very effective in eliminating most of the stress related to booking each week, and this applies to both those with pre-booked places and those without.
The committee are confident that the vast majority of members would want to continue with this system, and therefore believe that the best way forward for 2023 would be to continue with the pre-bookings. The committee will take responsibility to manage the process, making minor adjustments if needed, and will continue to closely monitor its effectiveness.
The allocation of pre-booked tee slots has been slightly extended to other groups where it has been felt beneficial. None of the pre-booked places are “set in stone” and will be subject to revision on an on-going basis. Members with pre-booked places do have a responsibility to cancel their place for any given week that they cannot enter, and to do this as soon as possible. Compliance with this will continue to be monitored.
The committee are fully aware that a small number of members remain strongly against this system for very valid reasons. Unfortunately, there is no magic system that would suit everybody and this system is, for now, the one that undoubtedly presents the least problems.
Par 3 Club Committee
February 2023