Par 3 Club

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, 10th November 2015
Cafe Bar (downstairs), Ramsdale Park GC

Prompt start at 9.00am
(Coffee/Tea & Biscuits available from 8.30am to 9.00am)



Minutes of the AGM 2014
click here to view the minutes from the AGM November 2014

Review of the year (Terry Nichol)

Finance Report (John Greenwood)
Report to be distributed at the meeting

Competitions Review (Richard Hone)

Weekly Competitions
Board Competitions
Special Events
Master Scoreboard

Christmas Dinner (Ron Coles)

Committee for 2016 (Richard Hone)

Any Other Business

Committee members:

Richard Hone (Chairman)    Terry Nichol (Secretary)        John Greenwood (Treasurer)
Pat Linnington          Irene Mitchell            Ron Coles (Events Organiser)


AGM 9 Hole Challenge

          Members attending the AGM will be eligible to enter a fun 9 hole challenge starting at 10.00am. A special discounted green fee of £5 is available for members to play either 9 or 18 holes. In either case, the competition will take place over the back 9 holes.